Amit Burstein

Amit Burstein is one of Israel Lacrosse’s veteran Israeli-born members, having joined Ashdod LC in the summer of 2015. In 2017, as a high school junior, Amit took steps to make lacrosse available for the youth of Beer Tuvia, his municipality, founding Beer Tuvia LC, which has since grown to over 100 members. Amit has been the head coach of Beer Tuvia LC since its founding, recruiting and coaching multiple athletes who are now active members of both the women’s and men’s national teams.

From 2019 to 2021, Amit was granted the status of An Active Athlete in the IDF, allowing him to continue developing lacrosse in Israel and competing internationally while serving in the Israel Defense Force.

In 2023, Amit founded Kiryat Malachi LC, successfully recruiting full youth teams of both boys and girls through the 2024 season, despite challenging circumstances. He also made his international coaching debut in 2023 as the Assistant Coach of the women’s U20 national team in the European Championships in the Czech Republic.

Since 2017, Amit has represented Israel in 8 international tournaments, including the European Championships, and has captained both the U20 World and European Championship teams.